WB SET Online Recruitment 2024 Apply Online
Department - West Bengal College Service Commission

WB SET Online Recruitment 2024 Apply Online

West Bengal College Service Commission has released an announcement for the hiring of WB SET Online Interested candidates who meet the requirements can submit an online application. Before Applying Online, First Please read the notification for eligibility, the age limit, the selection process, the curriculum, the pattern, the salary, and all other details.



Imp Dates


Total Vacancies

West Bengal || Post Date 08-Aug-2024
By Job Analyst;
Shivam Solanki

Exam Details

WB SET Online - Posts

Important Dates
Application Start: 01-08-2024
Last Date for Apply Online: 31-08-2024
Exam Fees
General ₹1300
OBC ₹650
SC/ST ₹325

Age Criteria and Qualifications

  • Check Notification
  • Age Relaxation As Per Rules

  • Postgraduate
  • Degree
  • Relevant

WB SET 2024 – Apply Online for State Eligibility Test

The West Bengal College Service Commission (WBCSC) has issued a notification for conducting the West Bengal State Eligibility Test (WB SET) 2024. This test is for the recruitment of Assistant Professors in Universities and Colleges across West Bengal. Candidates who meet the eligibility criteria and are interested in this opportunity can apply online.

Vacancy Details

Sr Post Name Eligibility Total Posts
1 Assistant Professor Master’s Degree or equivalent course

Qualification for the Post of Assistant Professor

To be eligible for the Assistant Professor position through the WB SET 2024, candidates must have a Master's Degree or an equivalent qualification from a recognized university. This ensures that candidates possess the advanced knowledge and expertise required for teaching at the university and college level.

WB SET 2024: FAQs

Question: What is WB SET 2024?

Answer: WB SET 2024 stands for West Bengal State Eligibility Test-2024, which is conducted to determine the eligibility of candidates for the post of Assistant Professor/Lecturer in various universities and colleges of West Bengal.

Question: Who conducts the WB SET 2024 exam?

Answer: The WB SET 2024 exam is conducted by the West Bengal College Service Commission (WBCSC).

Question: When will the WB SET 2024 exam be held?

Answer: The WB SET 2024 exam is scheduled to be held on December 15, 2024, which is Sunday.

Question: What are the eligibility criteria for WB SET 2024?

Answer: To be eligible for WB SET 2024, a candidate must have a Master’s degree in a relevant subject with at least 55% marks (50% for reserved categories) from a recognized university. Candidates who are pursuing their Master’s degree final year or are awaiting their results can also apply.

Question: Is there any age limit to apply for WB SET 2024?

Answer: There is no upper age limit to apply for WB SET 2024.

Question: How can I apply for WB SET 2024?

Answer: Candidates can apply for WB SET 2024 online through the official website wbcsconline.in. The application process started on August 1, 2024, and the last date for submission is August 31, 2024.

Question: What is the application fee for WB SET 2024?

Answer: The application fee for WB SET 2024 varies by category. The fee structure is as follows:

  • General/EWS: ₹1000
  • OBC (Non-Creamy Layer): ₹500
  • SC/ST/PWD/Transgender: ₹250
The fee must be paid online.

Question: What is the exam pattern for WB SET 2024?

Answer: The WB SET 2024 exam consists of two papers. Paper 1 has 50 questions for 100 marks and Paper 2 has 100 questions for 200 marks. Both papers are conducted in a single day with no negative marking for incorrect answers.

Question: How can I download the WB SET 2024 admit card?

Answer: The WB SET 2024 admit card will be available for download from the official website wbcsconline.in in the last week of November 2024. Candidates must download and print their admit cards to present at the examination center.

Question: When will the WB SET 2024 result be declared?

Answer: The WB SET 2024 result is expected to be announced in

Exam Syllabus

Check Notification !!

Preparation Tips

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