High Court of Chhattisgarh District Judge 2024 Apply Offline
Department - High Court of Chhattisgarh

High Court of Chhattisgarh District Judge 2024 Apply Offline - 37 Posts

High Court of Chhattisgarh has released an announcement for the hiring of High Court of Chhattisgarh District Judge Offline Interested candidates who meet the requirements can submit an offline application. Before Applying, First Please read the notification for eligibility, the age limit, the selection process, the curriculum, the pattern, the salary, and all other details.



Imp Dates


Total Vacancies

Chhattisgarh || Post Date 18-Aug-2024
By Job Analyst;
Shivam Solanki

Exam Details

High Court of Chhattisgarh District Judge Offline - 37 Posts

Important Dates
Application Start: 07-08-2024
Last Date for Apply Online: 31-08-2024
Exam Fees
General ₹1000
SC/ST ₹700

Age Criteria and Qualifications

  • Check Notification
  • Min. Age 35
  • Max. Age 45

  • Postgraduate
  • Degree
  • Relevant

High Court of Chhattisgarh District Judge Recruitment 2024 – Apply Offline for 37 Posts

The High Court of Chhattisgarh invites applications for the recruitment of District Judges (Entry Level) in the Higher Judicial Service. A total of 37 vacancies are available under the revised pay scale of Rs. 144,840 - Rs. 194,660 (Level J-5) of the new pay matrix. This recruitment is governed by the Chhattisgarh Higher Judicial Service (Recruitment and Conditions of Service) Rules 2006. Eligible candidates must be advocates and possess a Degree in Law. Applications must be submitted offline.

Post Name Total Posts Qualification
District Judge 37 Degree (Law)

Pay Scale

  • Pay Scale: Rs. 144,840 - Rs. 194,660 (Level J-5)

Instructions / Information for Filling the Application Form || High Court of Chhattisgarh District Judge Recruitment 2024

  1. Application Form: Submit the form only in the proforma available on the Chhattisgarh High Court website (https://highcourt.cg.gov.in). The form must be computer-printed or downloaded on A4 size paper.
  2. Category Specification: Specify your category if you are a bonafide resident of Chhattisgarh belonging to Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, or Other Backward Classes.
  3. Document Requirements: Submit the completed, signed application with Identity-Sheet, four recent passport-sized photographs (self-attested), and two self-addressed envelopes (11” x 5”) with Rs. 25/- postal stamps. Send the application to The Registrar General, High Court of Chhattisgarh, Bodri, Bilaspur (C.G.), Pin - 495220 by 31/08/2024, 5:00 PM.
  4. Submission Deadline: Ensure the application reaches the Registry by 5:00 PM on 31/08/2024. You may also drop it in the "Box" in the Registry office during office hours. Late applications will not be entertained, and the Registry is not responsible for postal delays.
  5. Address for Submission: The Registrar General, High Court of Chhattisgarh, Bodri, Bilaspur (C.G.), Pin Code - 495220.
  6. Rejection Criteria: Applications received after the deadline, incomplete, unsigned, or without necessary documents will be rejected without communication.
  7. Examination: Candidates will undergo a written examination and viva-voce at their own expense. A 60% score is needed for Unreserved Category and 50% for Reserved Category to qualify for the viva-voce.
  8. Admit Card: Download from the Chhattisgarh High Court website (https://highcourt.cg.gov.in) before the exam date, preferably 15 days prior.
  9. Incomplete/False Information: Ensure all information is accurate. Incorrect or false details will lead to cancellation of candidature and potential prosecution.
  10. Additional Notes: Applications for answer sheets or results under RTI will not be entertained after 6 months. No correspondence regarding the examination will be entertained.

High Court of Chhattisgarh District Judge Recruitment 2024 - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • What is the pay scale for the District Judge (Entry Level) position?

    The pay scale for the District Judge (Entry Level) is Rs. 144,840 to Rs. 194,660 under Level J-5 of the new pay matrix.

  • What are the eligibility criteria for applying for the District Judge (Entry Level) position?

    Applicants must be Indian citizens, aged between 35 and 45 years as of January 1, 2024, hold a law degree from a recognized university, and have at least seven years of experience as an advocate. Additional criteria include good character and no disqualifications under specific laws.

  • What is the application fee for the District Judge (Entry Level) Examination?

    The application fee is Rs. 1,000 for all candidates from the unreserved category and those not residing in Chhattisgarh. For Chhattisgarh residents from SC, ST, and OBC categories, the fee is Rs. 700. The fee must be paid through a Challan at SBI branches.

  • How should the application form be submitted?

    Applications must be submitted in the prescribed format available on the High Court's website. The completed form, along with the required documents and photographs, must be sent to the Registrar General, High Court of Chhattisgarh, Bodri, Bilaspur, by August 31, 2024, 5:00 PM.

  • What are the selection criteria for the District Judge (Entry Level) position?

    Selection will be based on a written examination followed by a viva-voce. Candidates must secure at least 60% marks in the written exam (50% for reserved categories) to qualify for the viva-voce. Final selection will be based on aggregate marks from both stages.

  • Where can the admit card be downloaded from?

    Admit cards will be available on the High Court of Chhattisgarh’s website approximately 15 days before the written examination. Candidates should download and print their admit cards from the website.

  • What documents are required to be submitted with the application?

    Applicants need to submit attested copies of their birth certificate, caste certificate, educational qualifications, proof of practice as an advocate, and the original Challan for the application fee.

  • What should be done if the application is submitted late?

    Applications received after the deadline of August 31, 2024, 5:00 PM, will not be considered. The High Court is not responsible for any postal delays or late submissions.

  • What happens if the application form is incomplete?

    Incomplete or unsigned applications will be rejected without further communication. All required documents and information must be provided to avoid rejection.

  • What are the criteria for disqualification from the District Judge (Entry Level) position?

    Disqualifications include having more than one spouse, being dismissed from service, having a conviction involving moral turpitude, or professional misconduct. Additionally, providing false information in the application can lead to disqualification and legal consequences.

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