DME, AP Assistant Professor Recruitment 2024 Apply Online
Department - Directorate of Medical Education (DME)

DME, AP Assistant Professor Recruitment 2024 Apply Online - 255 Posts

Directorate of Medical Education (DME) has released an announcement for the hiring of DME, AP Assistant Professor Interested candidates who meet the requirements can submit an online application. Before Applying Online, First Please read the notification for eligibility, the age limit, the selection process, the curriculum, the pattern, the salary, and all other details.



Imp Dates


Total Vacancies

Andhra Pradesh || Post Date 02-Feb-2024
By Job Analyst;
Shivam Solanki

Exam Details

DME, AP Assistant Professor - 255 Posts

Important Dates
Application Start: 01-02-2024
Last Date for Apply Online: 15-02-2024
Exam Fees
UR ₹1000
BC/SC/EWS/ST/PH Candidates: ₹500

Age Criteria and Qualifications

  • Min. Age 42
  • Max. Age 52
  • Age Relaxation is applicable As per rules

  • Degree
  • Relevant

Apply online for 255 Assistant Professor posts in the DME, AP Recruitment 2024.

Details Information
Ref. GO Ms. No.188 HM&FW Department (D1) Dt.15.07.2022
Vacancies & Qualifications

Applications invited for Assistant Professors in Broad Specialties in Govt. Medical Colleges.

Recruitment on a Regular Basis.

Total Vacancies 255 (Backlog and Regular)
Qualification PG Degree (MD/MS/DNB/DM) in concerned Specialty from the institutions recognized by MCI/NMC/DCI

Additional Information

  1. Candidates applying under Direct Recruitment must have one year of Senior Residency from a recognized institute post the required qualification.
  2. Pay Scale: Salary follows current rules during probation. 7th UGC Pay scales (G.O.Ms.No.22, HM & FW (A1) Dept., Dated 01.03.2021) apply after probation completion.
Direct Recruitment Guidelines
  1. Age Criteria:
    • OC candidate: Max 42 years
    • EWS/SC/ST/BC candidates: Max 47 years
    • Physically Handicapped: Max 52 years
    • Ex-servicemen: Max 50 years
  2. Rule of Reservation as per A.P State and Subordinate Service Rules.
  3. Only LOCAL candidates eligible for direct recruitment. NON-LOCAL candidates ineligible.
    • Local to Andhra Pradesh candidates only.
    • Residence Certificate without G.O.No.132 GAD Dt.13-6-2016 & G.O.Ms.No.133 GAD Dt.13.06.2016 not considered for candidates who studied in Telangana before bifurcation.
    • Residence Certificate not accepted for candidates who studied up to SSC or equivalent; study certificates required.
    • Obtain NOC from respective authorities.
    • Submit 'accepted resignation letter' from current department if selected.
    • Assistant Professors under DME not eligible for the same specialty they are working in.

Selection Procedure for DR

  1. Selection based on merit and rule of reservation.
  2. Merit list prepared for eligible candidates.
  3. Selection lists based on merit and rule of reservation.
  4. Total Marks: 100
    • 75 Marks based on qualifying degree (or 50% if no PG marks).
    • 10 Marks based on years since passing qualifying examination (1 mark per PG/Completion of PG/Super-specialty year).
    • 5 Marks for candidates completing PG/Super Specialty from Central Institutions.
    • 15 Marks for contract service in Government institutions.
  5. Contract service weightage based on tribal, rural, and urban areas (2.5, 2, and 1 mark per six months respectively).
  6. Contract weightage up to 15 Marks for COVID-19 duties.
  7. Documents required for COVID-19 weightage:
    • Appointment order for COVID-19 management.
    • Monthly attendance certificates.
    • Bank statement indicating payment with COVID-19 weightage service certificate.
    • Service certificate from competent authority.
    • COVID-19 weightage not awarded without submission of required certificates.

Selection Procedure for LE

  1. Merit list prepared based on rank given by appointing authority during recruitment as CAS/Assistant Professor.
  2. Selection list prepared based on merit and rule of reservation applicable to promotions per AP State and Subordinate Service Rules.
  3. The decision of the Medical Services Recruitment Board is final and binding on all aspects, including application acceptance, rejection, and candidate selection.

How to Apply

Step Instructions
1 Apply online at from 01.02.2024 to 15.02.2024 (11.59 pm).
2 Pay application fee: Rs.1000 for OC, Rs.500 for BC, SC, EWS, ST, and PH candidates through the provided payment gateway.
3 Submit application online with the following certificates:
a. Latest passport-size photo
b. SSC Certificates (proof of date of birth)
c. Study Certificate from 4th to 10th Class
d. Intermediate certificate
e. MBBS and PG Degree Certificates
f. Senior Residency completion certificate
g. AP Medical Council Registration Certificate
h. NOC for DR candidates and LE candidates
i. Declaration in Annexure V
j. Contract Service Certificate (if applicable)
k. Disability Certificate for VH/MH/HH/OH candidates
l. Caste Certificate or EWS Certificate (if applicable)
m. Meritorious sports certificates (if applicable)
4 Ensure all required documents are uploaded; no paper accepted after submission.
5 All correspondence will be via email and mobile number provided in the application. Updates on DME/Board’s website.
6 Recruitment subject to court outcomes. Reserves the right to cancel/alter/modify conditions.

Exam Syllabus

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Preparation Tips

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